Miss Alejandra Catalano had the good idea of creating an English magazine. Students and teachers from  first to sixth year worked together to build up this proyect. The aim of it is to stimulate the four skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening wich are essential for the acquisition of a second language.

“D’ Elía 4 U” like other magazines has a variety of sections. Each group worked with their teachers in different topics. Student started searching information, writing and finally speaking about the topic they had chosen with visual support.

As it is a magazine in a foreign language we had the pleasure to work with Miss Helia Martins de Souza, the Portuguese teacher who participated and shared “receitas é danças”.

Thanks to the big team of students and teachers: Miss Cristina, Miss Celina, Miss Sandra, Miss Mariana, Miss Veronica, Miss Alejandra who really did a collaborative job!!

We hope you’ll enjoy it.

See you next year


Patricia Soberón

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